Sunday, February 18, 2007

Talk about ensuring you still have a job.

    Massively Addictive - Video Game Feature - Yahoo! Video Games

    Are you freaking kidding me?  Now you're saying that the looser who spends more hours playing with a control than he does...playing with not just a loser, he's "constitutionally incapable of honesty".  Good lord!

    At this point, I have an admission: I've had addictions, and I've struggled with them.  Lots of them.  And at one time (around 12), I had a problem with obsessing over video games.  But you know what happened?  I grew up.  I went from trying to sneak marathon sessions of video games to staying away for days, even weeks.  Even my mother remarked about it.

    Why?  Because I grew out of them.  I found other hobbies, other things to do.   In short, I expanded my horizons.

    But now this group of idiots is trying to blame their obsession with getting to level 70 on some sort of reward malfunction?  Please.    Go outside, or even go inside.  Write a book, jog, do something.  Too much of anything is a problem.  Don't make it into some sort of 12-step mess that makes us all puke.  I really do not have to hear about a "spiritual solution" to overcoming old Super Mariocorn (a takeoff on John Barlycorn, the mythical demon that XA relies upon). 


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