Sunday, February 11, 2007

Computer Tips: Firefox extensions

I don't know about you, but I spend a good amount of time behind my browser reading, writing, and discussing. My browser of choice is Firefox, fast and free, both in cost and of Microsoft. Firefox by itself is a pretty good browser, but if you want to really ramp things up, you probably want some other specialized tools. Maybe you have a weather site that you check again and again. Or, you're like me and want to blog without having to close down a window. Well, here I will list some of my favorite extensions, as well as showing you where to get them.


As the lovelorn bachelor said to the hot blond nymph, "Where have you been my entire life?". This is simply a must for anybody who has seen a decrease in the speed of browsing. It allows you to tweak settings and maximize the power of your browser. In addition, it also contains a pop up blocker that stops pop ups generated by flash embeds. A must have, in my view.


Many of my blog entries read, "Powered by Performancing" Performancing is an add on blog editor for your browser. Normally, it sits as an icon on your status bar. But if you stumble upon something that you really want to blog about, you can pull it up and start typing away.

Diigo Toolbar

Diigo is an online community, much like, that lets you tag pages with particular keywords. These keywords then can be searched by you or anybody else you let to find relevant content. In addition to being able to tag pages with notes, there's a blog this function, similar to Performancing, that lets you immediately link to a page on your own blog.

These are just a few of the extensions out there, and sometime next week, I'll be back with a few more of these great little helpers.

powered by performancing firefox

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