Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sometimes, you just gotta draw the line somewhere

Teen tried to hire hit man to kill ex-girlfriend's fetus -

I caught wind of this story from an e-mail list, Legalize Choice 4 Men, under the subject line "Lack of C4M Leads to Another ruined life".  With all due respect to LC4M--and I believe that they have a lot to their arguments--this is one place that I will not go.

I am nearing 30 in my own life, and so the memories of being a teenager are fading fast, but I can remember the distant times where everything was a life or death situation.  Every choice, every thing that you do at that age threatens to elevate your life to pure bliss or slam it into the pits of hell.  If you don't go out with that girl, you're going to die.  If you don't make the sports team, you're going to die.  Well, I have news for you.  I'm still living, and I didn't make one team or make it to first base with a girl.

But through all of that I never contemplated murder to the point of asking around for a hitman about it.  And while we're at it, a word to all you would be assassins and godfathers; have you just been watching way too much gangland movies, or do you really think that everybody knows an assassin?  Do you think we all keep the number of "Joey V" down the street in case we have a leak that needs to be fixed?

The kid's lawyer said that his client was, "is an intelligent young man who got bad advice."  Apparently he wasn't smart enough to realize that this had no chance in hell of working, but if the lawyer is correct, who ever gave him that advice should be sitting in a cell next to this kid.


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