Thursday, March 29, 2007

OT: Dobson questions another person's faith.

Dobson: Thompson must express faith -


This, is what drove me from organized religion:  people questioning each others faith.  Unless Dobson has some sort of crystal ball, he really doesn't know what Fred Thompson believes or does not believe.  So, quite frankly, he should concern himself more with his faith than with that of another person.

Am I alone in thinking that one of the most hypocritical things in the world is somebody saying that another person doesn't believe enough, that somebody isn't spiritual enough.  Whether it's religion or "spirituality" (read, a bunch of ex-drunks at AA questioning each other over the "quality" of their sobriety), one man does not know what another man thinks, let alone what he believes.    Hell, claiming that you know what God wants is a little bit arrogant let alone you know it better than another man, don't you think?

And why is this on the NCP Revue?  Well, Dobson has set himself up as an enemy of shared custody, so any chance to examine the man is going to get on our board.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Talk about your slick new toys!

Downloaded a copy of xdetv and if you don't have it and you're on Linux, what are you waiting for? This is, to be blunt, "digital recording for dummies". One "R", and you're recording your favorite shows. Sweet!
Later on in the week, I hope to be telling you about another toy I've stumbled across.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Will they ever learn?

Pizza boxes carry deadbeat mug shots - Yahoo! News

Well, at least you can give this to the Cincinatti Department that Can't Steal Enough: at least they got permission first.

Of course, the fact that they're humiliating fathers (and the occasional token female: I wonder if you get a discount if you turn in a pizza box with a female on it.) for not paying an arbitrary number a judge decided on.  There's a good way to build strong, healthy families.

And if any of you are in the Cincinatti area, I urge you to call Karen's Pizzarea and any other joints that engage in this humiliation campaign and tell them exactly where they can shove their pies.  And as for the kiddies: you can't get your dads back, but you can get an extra slice of pepperoni.  Enjoy.

Got my little dlink G122 dongle a-working!

Here's the steps, in case I ever get hit on the head with a giant rock and forget, or for any of you.

This pertains to the DWL-G122 h/w A1 version.

1. Make sure you have ndiswrapper
2. Go to and download the appropriate driver
3. load the PRISMA02.inf file with ndiswrapper
4. modprobe ndiswrapper
5. on the NetworkManager, click on default (not altnet)
6. Let the good times roll!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yeah, because Democracy in DC is best as a theoretical

White House opposes DC vote in the House - Yahoo! News

This is one of those times where I will go off the boards for something that has nothing to do with anything, but I felt compelled to say something about this.

There are going to be arguments about representatives and "amongst the people of the states", but here's what it comes down to for me.  We fought a bunch of British bastards over "taxation without representation".  Here's the deal: DC residents pay federal taxes, they should vote.  I don't care how you do it, if you have to give an extra vote to Utah to seal the deal, if you have to do it via a Constitutional Amendment, you give residents of DC a vote, or you give them back their tax money.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Keep thinking about the origins of Redd and the Godsbane

Where my stories are going about Redd ultimately involves the Godsbane, so I guess I should flesh out its meaning. The concept first came to me when playing a video game, The Summoner. In one of the adventures, they end up descending down what could only be described as the tomb of a God. It struck me as odd that somebody, would make their home on top of that. If such a place existed, I could only think of it as a very sad place.
Why is it sad? Well, as I read somewhere, God really is just an abbreviation of Good. So you could take the death of a God as being the death of all that is good in people, or rather all that is perceived as good. How would you survive knowing that all your hopes of a better life turned out to be a lie, or dead? How would you go on?
But ultimately, we have to go on. People die, good people that have meant so much in our lives, but our obligation to live continues. So when that happens, you must cut out a goodness of your own creation. You must be good not because you hope for reward or fear punishment, but because it is good and that is the right path. And that is eventually the key to maturing and growing up.